2021年夏以降、イギリスの大学及び大学院卒業の方、2年間の就労可能に – The Graduate Route

イギリス政府は2021年の夏以降にイギリスの大学、大学院を卒業する人を対象として、2年間の就労ビザ取得可能なThe Graduate Routeについて公表しています。

学生はTier 4ビザの有効期間中にThe Graduate Routeのビザ申請をする必要がありますが、申請が認められれば、卒業後2年間イギリスで生活しながら働いたり、就職活動をすることが可能となります。就職先が見つかれば、その後ビザを切り替えて働くこともできます。


来年の夏から実施されるThe Graduate Routeのビザ取得スキームにより、イギリスの大学・大学院に留学することの意義や魅力が高まり、留学先としてイギリスを選択する学生が増えるのではないかと期待しています。

なお、2020−2021の学年度に遠隔教育で大学の授業を受講することが決まっている方も、2021年4月6日までにイギリスに入国すれば、大学あるいは大学院卒業後2年間の就労許可が得られるThe Graduate Routeビザを申請できます。

The Graduate Route

From summer 2021, international students will be able to benefit from two years’ work experience in the UK upon graduation, through the new Graduate Route.

Here is everything you need to know:

  • The Graduate Route will be available to international students who have a valid Tier 4 visa at the time of application and have successfully completed a degree at undergraduate level or above at a Higher Education Provider with a track record of compliance.
  • Successful applicants on this route will be able to stay and work, or look for work, in the UK at any skill level for a maximum period of two years. Graduates will be able to switch into skilled work once they have found a suitable job.
  • The new route will be launched in the summer of 2021, meaning that any eligible student who graduates in the summer of 2021 or after will be able to apply for the route. This includes students who have already started their courses. 
  • The Graduate Route will require a new visa application.
  • It will include the payment of a visa fee and the Immigration Health Surcharge. The exact fee will be set out in due course.
  • Those who graduate and whose Tier 4 leave expires before the route is introduced will not be eligible, however, most of these students will have had no expectation of benefitting from such a route when they applied to study in the UK.

The UK Government has confirmed that if you begin your studies through distance learning in the 2020-2021 academic year, you will still be eligible to apply for the Graduate Route, provided you arrive in the UK by 6 April 2021.


Post-study work opportunities

Fact sheet: Graduate Immigration Route


2020年7月1日付のイギリス政府の発表によると、留学生は新設されるThe Graduate Routeの一環として、2021年夏以降、イギリスの大学の博士課程を修了すれば3年間滞在し就労できることとなりました。(学部、修士課程修了者は2年間)

イギリスの大学・大学院を卒業後、現地就職を目指す方にとっては朗報といえますね 🍀

The government announced today, as part of the new graduate route, international students who complete a PhD from Summer 2021 can stay in the UK for 3 years after study to live and work. As previously announced, students who have successfully completed undergraduate and master’s degrees will be able to stay 2 years after study. This will make it easier for some of the best, young international graduates to secure skilled jobs in the UK and contribute to economic growth.



2021年3月4日、イギリス政府はGraduate Routeについて下記↓文書にて公表しています。

Graduate route to open to international students on 1 July 2021


Applicants who began their studies in Autumn 2020 will now have until 21 June 2021 to enter the UK (updated from 6 April 2021) in order to be eligible for the Graduate route. Students who began their studies in January or February 2021 will need to be in the UK by 27 September 2021. 
